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Showing posts with label Infographic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Infographic. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

There is no doubt about it. Businesses, especially B2B businesses need to start using social media to leverage its immense potential. With social media platforms like Facebook (950 million active users), YouTube (880 million active users) and Twitter (170 million active users), continuously adding to their user base and other platforms not far behind, businesses have an ever increasing audience base to connect with. It gives them an opportunity to generate leads, create brand awareness, improve brand reputation and increase customer loyalty. By connecting personally with their potential customers on social media, businesses can make more of an impression on them, thus improving their chances for converting them into paying customers.

It’s not that B2B businesses haven’t adopted the use of social media; almost 64% companies are already investing in social media and many others are planning or in the process of using it. What’s more 56% of businesses are planning to increase their social media spending this year. The fact is that already, buyers are making purchase decisions going through a business’s presence on social media. It’s slowly and surely becoming an important marketing channel and the sooner that B2B businesses realize this fact the better it is for their efforts to improve profitability.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

The year 2012 has seen a lot of changes in the Google’s search engine algorithm. Google is refining its algorithm constantly – making it stronger than ever – so that only best content gets to the top of SERPs.
Google Search Algorithm Infographic
Google has gone through a lot of important algorithm updates in the year 2012 that impacted thousands of small and big businesses out there. Although some businesses bloomed but most of them suffered huge losses. The websites that solely depended upon black hat SEO techniques are almost dead and only businesses with high quality content can see a hope of light as of now.

Below is an infographic from e2m Solutions that lists all 27 of the Google Algorithm Updates last year. You can download or link to this inforgraphic from their website.

Google Search Algorithm Infographic

Saturday, June 8, 2013


Provocative statement that applies, however, when one examines the number of leads generated. This has now done someone and the result on an infographic perpetuated. And since it is clear that SEO is still the main source on the Internet for new contacts and potential clients. More than 80% of all users around the world use every day search engines, and more than 50% of small and medium-sized enterprises falter their budget for SEO on. In the B2B even say almost 60% of all companies that SEO is your best source when it comes to making new contact and new business. B2C is still 41%. But what makes these figures so interesting?

SEO lives
Despite all the gloomy predictions in recent years, SEO is dead who ignored under any circumstances SEO in their marketing mix, has a problem. PPC and Social Media are currently namely not yet in a position to SEO to reach the water.
At least when it comes to generating leads, this is the primary message of the infographic. The figures confirm this: as SEO is both in the B2B and the issue of B2C for most new contacts responsible.
PPC and social media followed at No. 2 and 3 in comparison with PPC SEO cuts even better. This is partly because good SEO rankings are generally a long time. The traffic of a PPC campaign dried up when the ads will not appear.

Apples to oranges comparison?
The infographic is well prepared and clearly shows that SEO is a must for any modern strategy if one has taken up the cause to conduct meaningful and sustainable online marketing. And the comparison between SEO and PPC may sound more reasonable, this is not quite so easy to see in social media.
Social media follows in many areas completely different rules than is the case with SEO. Is it the subject of search engine optimization is to give an active seekers the opportunity to find the right information from their own initiative, it is turning to social media more likely to experience the world that you have to reinvent build permanent.
Social media has the "disadvantage" that you have people, for example, in social networks, actively respond and provoke to action, so there are certain reactions. This may be more traffic on your website, but need not be.
At SEO direct traffic to the website is always the goal. Especially because of this distinction between the two disciplines should in my view, always keep the marketing mix in the eye and so ensure that you extract of both worlds for the best.
SEOprofiler SEO software

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