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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Are you having a hard time convincing your boss that search engine optimization (SEO) is important for the company? Well you are not alone.

It seems there are a lot of companies with upper management staff that just do not understand the importance of the internet. Perhaps they grew into their careers when traditional marketing was the only option or they do not know much about online marketing and SEO to make an intelligent decision.

Unfortunately, it is up to you to educate them and sell them on the importance of having a powerful SEO strategy that spells success for the company.
Here are a few tips to get you started.

Visual Aids

Nothing says ‘I did my research’ like charts, infographics, diagrams and analytics. Not to mention some people are visual so spelling it out with words and images is definitely the way to go.

Show the Numbers

Remember that you are asking for a budget, so you will need to show some numbers and analytics to back up your SEO proposal.
Gather as much information as you can about what the competitors are doing and how much they are spending on their SEO strategy. No boss wants to be outdone by their competitor.

Online Marketing Vs. Traditional Marketing

Your next step is to get your boss to understand that online marketing is the way to advertise a company this day and age. Sure traditional marketing may still work but companies need to also do online advertising.
More and more consumers are turning to the internet to search for the items they want to purchase. They are also using the internet to communicate to their friends whether they like a brand or product.

Free Tools

So who doesn’t like getting things for free…am I right? Since you are asking for an SEO budget, make sure to point out that some of the SEO efforts will be free. Let your boss know about all the cool and FREE SEO tools that are available such as: Google Keywords tool and Wordtracker.
When you’ve gotten your SEO budget approved, we are here to assist you in developing and implementing a successful SEO strategy.


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