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Thursday, August 8, 2013

 Internet Marketing Strategies Defined at MozCon Once Again

It’s been several weeks since the 2013 edition of MozCon has come and gone in Seattle, Washington. Attendees have flown home and returned to work after joining over a thousand of the best and brightest, not to mention most passionate, internet marketers in the world underneath a blanket of blue light and incredible speakers. Although days have passed, the connections made and inspiration felt from the conference are far from being lost in twitter newsfeeds of the past.  Mr. Moz himself, Rand Fishkin, kicked off the conference as the first speaker with his presentation about this year in SEO, marketing, and Moz. His conclusions? Brands are dominating the web and Google’s preference for them are not going anywhere so becoming a brand is your best bet to thriving as an online entity. Web marketing is more competitive than ever and it’s becoming increasingly crucial to know how to use both interruption marketing and inbound marketing. Rand wrapped it up with the newest in Moz and the first day of the conference began after his energetic introduction.  Matt Peters, another member of the Moz team, spoke about 2013 ranking factors and pointed out the fact that “40% of customers will abandon any site that takes longer than 3 seconds to load.” He also emphasized the importance of Google+ and Google Authorship for ranking. While the average Joe or Jane may not see the need to engage in Google+ it’s absolutely necessary to realize the weight that it can carry on the web.  Karen McGrane from Bond Art + Science spoke about the power of mobile internet access and the necessity of building valuable mobile sites. “There’s no such thing as ‘how to write for mobile’ there’s just good writing,” Karen said, continuing the constant emphasis on content at the conference. Her bottom line was, “You don’t get to decide which device people use to access your content. They do.”  One of the speakers that especially stood out was Kyle Rush. If you aren’t familiar with the name, perhaps you know a bit about the work he’s done. Kyle headed the online fundraising for the Obama campaign, a campaign that raised a whopping $690 million ONLINE. Rush presented the three secrets to his online success; experimentation, observation, and data gathering. His ability to test and optimize without fear of failure led him to become an incredible landing page optimizer.  Pete Meyers from Moz started off the last day of the conference with a presentation projecting the future of ranking. He reiterated that to survive on the web you have to become an entity. Google’s job is to model the real world and because of that he said, “Our tactics don’t have to change, but the way we approach them does.” Other notable speakers included Google’s Avinash Kaushik, HubSpot co-founder Dharmesh Shah, and SEER Interactive founder Wil Reynolds.  Company culture was also a hot topic throughout the conference. Sarah Bird, Moz’s chief operating officer, gave a heartfelt presentation about company core values and creating a strong company culture. It was impossible not to think about what kind of a thriving and passionate industry internet marketing is becoming. To steal the title of CEO Tony Hsieh’s book, it’s all about delivering happiness. In a world dominated by Google and powered by technology, it’s inevitable that internet marketing is going to become not just big, but huge. We’re glad to be a part of it.  Download MozCon 2013 presentations here:


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