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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A list of the best SEO practices to increase site traffic and views (and ultimately land money in your pocket)
The Search Engine Optimization (SEO) that is done once the article is finished may be more important than the work done while working on the article. At least as far as traffic for the article is concerned. There are many powerful SEO practices for increasing traffic that must be done once after the article is completed. The following is a list of the most important SEO tips for increasing traffic to online articles.
Social Bookmarking
This is another great way to get backlinks. Social Bookmarking is saving your article to sites like Digg, Stumble Upon and Delicious. When you save your article to a social bookmarking site you are also creating a backlink from that page to your site. This creates a "vote", though a slightly weak one. But if you think of how every other person can then save that link too, this can become potentially powerful. Social Bookmarks are an important SEO tool for increasing traffic to online articles.
Keyword Research and Utilization
Keywords are the short phrases that search engines will find and rank. Articles need to be written with an understanding of how these keywords will rank. That is keyword research. It is all about knowing how difficult it is likely to be to get your keyword or phrase to rank on the top page of Google. The first thing you should do when working on search engine optimization is find a great keyword phrase for that page.
Backlinks is a big topic. It is really THE topic when it comes SEO techniques to increasing traffic to online articles. First of all every single backlink creates a pathway that someone can follow to your doorstep. That is not SEO, but that does make a great way to generate traffic.
Since backlinks are so important to this topic the following is a list of everything that needs to be known about backlinks to fully understand increasing traffic with SEO.
1) No-Follow/Do-Follow: There are two different types of backlinks. No-follow and Do-Follow. No follow means that the "spiders" or "bots" that come from the search engines and follow these links to your site are not supposed to count these as backlinks. Basically they Do Not Follow the links. These backlinks are still worth but of lesser value.
2) PageRank: Page Rank is basically a vote of confidence that Google gives to a site over time. This page ranking is mainly based on how many "votes" it has from its own backlinks (among other things). Page Rank is scaled 0-10. Every increment of PR that a site increases means that it can pass along a more powerful "vote" to any site that has a backlink attached to it. So 1 PR5 backlink is worth dozens of PR0 and PR1 Backlinks
3) Relevance: Relevance isn't new, but with the release of Google "Caffiene," Google stated that they will be putting a premium on relevance for their search results. Relevance means that you get a better "vote" from your site about the BMW if you have your backlink from a site on "cars" and you get an even better "vote" if it comes from a site that is also about BMW's.
4) Anchor Text: When you make your backlink you do so with 1-4 words usually. These words are your "Anchor Text" they should be close variations of the keywords for the site you are linking to. It is desirable to have some variation in your keywords used for anchor text, but staying close helps with the relevancy and is good SEO.
5) Blog Commenting: Blog commenting is one of the most popular ways to try to get mass backlinks. Making sure the comments are "do-follow" is step 1. A good step two is finding blogs that are both commentluv and keywordluv enabled. Commentluv is a addon that allows a post from YOUR blog to be displayed after your comments. If the blog is dofollow this is a backlink. Keyword love allows you to change your name where you sign in to keywords of your choice by typing in "name@my keyword". All keywordluv blogs must be dofollow.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Negative SEO : How to Uncover an Attack Using a Backlink Audit

Ever since Google launched the Penguin update back in April 2012, the SEO community has debated the impact of negative SEO, a practice whereby competitors can point hundreds or thousands of negative backlinks at a site with the intention of causing harm to organic search rankings or even completely removing a site from Google's index. Just jump over to Fiverr and you can find many gigs offering thousands of wiki links, or directory links, or many other types of low-quality links for $5.
By creating the Disavow Links tool, Google acknowledged this very real danger and gave webmasters a tool to protect their sites. Unfortunately, most people wait until it's too late to use the Disavow tool; they look at their backlink profile and disavow links after they've been penalized by Google. In reality, the Disavow Links tool should be used before your website suffers in the SERPs.
Backlink audits have to be added to every SEO professional's repertoire. These are as integral to SEO as keyword research, on-page optimization, and link building. In the same way that a site owner builds links to create organic rankings, now webmasters also have to monitor their backlink profile to identify low quality links as they appear and disavow them as quickly as they are identified.
Backlink audits are simple: download your backlinks from your Google Webmaster account, or from a backlink tool, and keep an eye on the links pointing to your site. What is the quality of those links? Do any of the links look fishy?
As soon as you identify fishy links, you can then try to remove the links by emailing the webmaster. If that doesn't work, head to Google's disavow tool and disavow those links. For people looking to protect their sites from algorithmic updates or penalties, backlink audits are now a webmaster's best friend.
If your website has suffered from lost rankings and search traffic, here's a method to determine whether negative SEO is to blame.

A Victim of Negative SEO?

Google Analytics 2012 vs 2013 Traffic
A few weeks ago I received an email from a webmaster whose Google organic traffic dropped by almost 50 percent within days of Penguin 2.0. He couldn't understand why, given that he'd never engaged in SEO practices or link building. What could've caused such a massive decrease in traffic and rankings?
The site is a 15-year-old finance magazine with thousands of news stories and analysis, evergreen articles, and nothing but organic links. For over a decade it has ranked quite highly for very generic informational financial keywords – everything from information about the economies of different countries, to very detailed specifics about large corporations.
With a long tail of over 70,000 keywords, it's a site that truly adds value to the search engine results and has always used content to attract links and high search engine rankings.
The site received no notifications from Google. They simply saw a massive decrease in organic traffic starting May 22, which leads me to believe they were impacted by Penguin 2.0.
In short, he did exactly what Google preaches as safe SEO. Great content, great user experience, no manipulative link practices, and nothing but value.
So what happened to this site? Why did it lose 50 percent of its organic traffic from Google?

Backlink Audit

I started by running a LinkDetox report to analyze the backlinks. Immediately I knew something was wrong:
Your Average Link Detox Risk 1251 Deadly Risk
Upon further investigation, 55 percent of his links were suspicious, while 7 percent (almost 500) of the links were toxic:
Toxic Suspicious Healthy Links
So the first step was to research those 7 percent toxic links, how they were acquired, and what types of links they were.
In LinkDetox, you can segment by Link Type, so I was able to first view only the links that were considered toxic. According to Link Detox, toxic links are links from domains that aren't indexed in Google, as well as links from domains whose theme is listed as malware, malicious, or having a virus.
Immediately I noticed that he had many links from sites that ended in .pl. The anchor text of the links was the title of the page that they linked to.
It seemed that the sites targeted "credit cards", which is very loosely in this site's niche. It was easy to see that these were scraped links to be spun and dropped on spam URLs. I also saw many domains that had expired and were re-registered for the purpose of creating content sites for link farms.
Also, check out the spike in backlinks:
Backlink Spike
From this I knew that most of the toxic links were spam, and links that were not generated by the target site. I also saw many links to other authority sites, including and It seems that this site was classified as an "authority site" and was being used as part of a spammers way of adding authority links to their outbound link profile.

Did Penguin Cause the Massive Traffic Loss?

I further investigated the backlink profile, checking for other red flags.
His Money vs Brand ratio looked perfectly healthy:
Money vs Brand Keywords
His ratio of "Follow" links was a little high, but this was to be expected given the source of his negative backlinks:
Follow vs Nofollow Links
Again, he had a slightly elevated number of text links as compared to competitors, which was another minor red flag:
Text Links
One finding that was quite significant was his Deep Link Ratio, which was much too high when compared with others in his industry:
Deep Link Ratio
In terms of authority, his link distribution by SEMrush keyword rankings was average when compared to competitors:
SEMrush Keyword Rankings
Surprisingly, his backlinks had better TitleRank than competitors, meaning that the target site's backlinks ranked for their exact match title in Google – an indication of trust:
Penalized sites don't rank for their exact match title.
The final area of analysis was the PageRank distribution of the backlinks:
Link Profile by Google PageRank
Even though he has a great number of high quality links, the percentage of links that aren't indexed in Google is substantially great. Close to 65 percent of the site's backlinks aren't indexed in Google.
In most cases, this indicates poor link building strategies, and is a typical profile for sites that employ spam link building tactics.
In this case, the high quantity of links from pages that are penalized, or not indexed in Google, was a case of automatic links built by spammers!
As a result of having a prominent site that was considered by spammers to be an authority in the finance field, this site suffered a massive decrease in traffic from Google.

Avoid Penguin & Unnatural Link Penalties

A backlink audit could've prevented this site from being penalized from Google and losing close to 50% of their traffic. If a backlink audit had been conducted, the site owner could've disavowed these spam links, performed outreach to get these links removed, and documented his efforts in case of future problems.
If the toxic links had been disavowed, all of the ratios would've been normalized and this site would've never been pegged as spam and penalized by Penguin.

Backlink Audits

Whatever tool you use - whether it's Ahrefs, LinkDetox, or OpenSiteExplorer – it's important that you run and evaluate your links on a monthly basis. Once you have the links, make sure you have metrics for each of the links in order to evaluate their health.
Here's what to do:
  • Identify all the backlinks from sites that aren't indexed in Google. If they aren't indexed in Google, there's a good chance they are penalized. Take a manual look at a few to make sure nothing else is going on (e.g., perhaps they just moved to a new domain, or there's an error in reporting). Add all the N/A sites to your file.
  • Look for backlinks from link or article directories. These are fairly easy to identify. LinkDetox will categorize those automatically and allow you to filter them out. Scan each of these to make sure you don't throw out the baby with the bathwater, as perhaps a few of these might be healthy.
  • Identify links from sites that may be virus infected or have malware. These are identified as Toxic 2 in LinkDetox.
  • Look for paid links. Google has long been at war with link buying and it's an obvious target. Find any links that have been paid and add them to the list. You can find these by sorting the results by PageRank descending. Evaluate all the high PR links as those are likely the ones that were purchased. Look at each and every one of the high quality links to assess how they were acquired. It's almost always pretty obvious if the link was organic or purchased.
  • Take the list of backlinks and run it through the Juice Tool to scan for other red flags. One of my favorite metrics to evaluate is TitleRank. Generally, pages that aren't ranking for their exact match title have a good chance of having a functional penalty or not having enough authority. In the Juice report, you can see the exact title to determine if it's a valid title (for example, if the title is "Home", of course they won't rank for it, whether they have a penalty). If the TitleRank is 30+, you can review that link by doing a quick check, and if the site looks spammy, add it to your "Bad Links" file. Do a quick scan for other factors, such as PageRank and DomainAuthority, to see if anything else seems out of place.
By the end of this stage, you'll have a spreadsheet with the most harmful backlinks to a site.
Upload this Disavow File, to make sure the worst of your backlinks aren't harming your site. Make sure you then upload this disavow file when performing further tests on Link Detox as excluding these domains will affect your ratios.

Don't be a Victim of Negative SEO!

Negative SEO works; it's a very real threat to all webmasters. Why spend the time, money, and resources building high quality links and content assets when you can work your way to the top by penalizing your competitors?
There are many unethical people out there; don't let them cause you to lose your site's visibility. Add backlink audits and link profile protection as part of your monthly SEO tasks to keep your site's traffic safe. It's no longer optional.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

What is Google Penguin 2.0 Update ?

Webmasters have been watching for Penguin 2.0 to hit the Google search results since Google's Distinguished Engineer Matt Cutts first announced that there would be the next generation of Penguin in March. Cutts officially announced that Penguin 2.0 is rolling out late Wednesday afternoon on "This Week in Google".
"It's gonna have a pretty big impact on web spam," Cutts said on the show. "It's a brand new generation of algorithms. The previous iteration of Penguin would essentinally only look at the home page of a site. The newer generation of Penguin goes much deeper and has a really big impact in certain small areas."
In a new blog post, Cutts added more details on Penguin 2.0, saying that the rollout is now complete and affects 2.3 percent of English-U.S. queries, and that it affects non-English queries as well. Cutts wrote:
We started rolling out the next generation of the Penguin webspam algorithm this afternoon (May 22, 2013), and the rollout is now complete. About 2.3% of English-US queries are affected to the degree that a regular user might notice. The change has also finished rolling out for other languages world-wide. The scope of Penguin varies by language, e.g. languages with more webspam will see more impact.
This is the fourth Penguin-related launch Google has done, but because this is an updated algorithm (not just a data refresh), we’ve been referring to this change as Penguin 2.0 internally. For more information on what SEOs should expect in the coming months, see the video that we recently released.
Webmasters first got a hint that the next generation of Penguin was imminent when back on May 10 Cutts said on Twitter, “we do expect to roll out Penguin 2.0 (next generation of Penguin) sometime in the next few weeks though.”
Matt Cutts Tweets About Google Penguin
Then in a Google Webmaster Help video, Cutts went into more detail on what Penguin 2.0 would bring, along with what new changes webmasters can expect over the coming months with regards to Google search results.
He detailed that the new Penguin was specifically going to target black hat spam, but would be a significantly larger impact on spam than the original Penguin and subsequent Penguin updates have had.
Google's initial Penguin update originally rolled out in April 2012, and was followed by two data refreshes of the algorithm last year – in May and October. 
Twitter is full of people commenting on the new Penguin 2.0, and there should be more information in the coming hours and days as webmasters compare SERPs that have been affected and what kinds of spam specifically got targeted by this new update.
Let us know if you've seen any significant changes, or if the update has helped or hurt your traffic/rankings in the comments.
Google has released a series of seven videos designed to help webmasters resolve specific types of spam issues that have been identified on their site. With Google Webmaster Tools offering more specific details about why a website might be penalized, these videos are designed to help you know exactly what kind of manual spam action your site has been impacted by, and the specific steps you can take to correct the issues in Google's eyes.

What is Pure Spam?

Google considers pure spam to be anything to spam that anyone with a bit of tech savviness can tell that it spam. Often called "black hat", Cutts said this includes such things as “auto generated gibberish, cloaking, scraping, throwaway sites, or throwaway domains, where someone is more or less doing churn and burn where they are creating as many sites as possible to make as much money as possible before the get caught.”
Cutts said this is that type of spam that Google takes the most action against. He added that it's rare for people to actually file reconsideration requests for sites that are classified as pure spam, because many webmasters approach them as churn and burn.
For example, here's an image of auto-generated spam site Cutts included in a blog post a number of years ago:
Matt Cutts
Image Credit: Matt Cutts Blog

Fixing Pure Spam on a New Website

Sometimes there are legitimate cases where site owners have purchased the domain only to discover that there is a huge amount of spam in the domain's history, making it difficult for a new owner to then create something legitimate on that domain. People can look up a domain's history on and see what kind of spam issues had been happening, so it will become a priority to ensure that the new owner is starting with a clean slate with none of the spam content anywhere to be seen.
If this sort of thing happened to you, you must take special care to ensure that the new site you're putting on the previously spamming domain is high quality and nothing that could be remotely confused with being spammy. You essentially need to create actions within the site that gives Google signals that the site is now trustworthy and should be included in the index.

Fixing Pure Spam on an Existing Website

If your site has been flagged as being pure spam, this is probably one of the more difficult spam flags to overcome, because it is reserved for the spammiest of websites. That means, when you file your reconsideration request, you need to ensure that there is nothing anywhere on the site that could be remotely considered spam.
When you're trying to clean up, ensure everything that violate the Google webmaster guidelines has been removed, and that the quality guidelines are being followed to the letter. You should look at it from the perspective of building an entirely new site with new quality content.
Cutts said it's important for webmasters who are trying to clean up from a pure spam warning that they document everything they do, whether it is having purchased the domain from a previous owner, discovering and then removing spam you didn't realize existed on your site, or just simply not knowing better when you created what you thought was a fabulous auto-generated site.
When you finally file a reconsideration request, be sure that you include the steps you took to clean it up and when, so that Google can investigate and decide if the site has really turned over a new leaf.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Finding and analysing Website backlinks is an easy way to build quality backlinks to your website, the more you get backlink reports, the more you'll have data about website back links. Backlink checker tools are important and you should use it in the right way because you need links information that pointing to your competitor website. It also helps for your own website, because you need to know that from where you're getting backlinks?, what is the anchor text that linking to your site? how much ? what is the type of backlink you're getting?
There are online Web applications built by high quality professional teams that allow you search backlinks for a website and get free reports. Before we search out all website backlinks. let's clear the concept of quality backlink. 

What are Quality Backlinks?

If you have thousands of inbound links but not quality and relevant then they won't be that much important as one quality and relevant backlink. Backlinks are of quality type if they are relevant, for example for a Blog publishing "Free Online Tools" will have have good type of backlinks if they are from relevant blogs. 
Blogs that are based on online tools contents, now if they are from Blog having higher page rank then they will be quality too.

Finding and Evaluating backlinks

Finding Backlinks are easy, once you done the first then the last phase would be evaluating and gaining for yours website.
We'll be using Backlink checker tools to find out all backlinks for a website, note that we can search out not just own website backlinks but also someone else (Competitor), checking own website backlinks will be important for gathering back-links data, for competitor website checking it will be good for us too because we want also to have backlinks from websites that our competitor have already.
Once we get a list of all backlinks of our website, then we have to evaluate the type and how they are linked.
For example suppose you found a backlink then the it is important to know is it nofollow or dofollow?, what is the anchor text (keyword) that is linked.

The more you've quality backlinks the more you'll have ranking in Google Search, Finding and checking Backlinks are essential , because this is the effective way to evaluate the type of backlink and get backlink reports.

Free Backlink checker

Now we're going to use online tools to check website backlinks and then analysis it. 
There are numerous tools available online to search backlinks, following are some of them.

  1. AhrefsSite explorer and backlink checker tool, allow you get free reports of all backlinks pointing to your website, the best thing about this tools is you it show you diagrammatically all data, for example a graph showing the date when you had an amount of backlinks, and were they increasing or decreasing, how much backlinks and the type of backlinks that is- how much of them are nofollow and dofollow. The best think I like in ahrefs is that it shows anchor text cloud which demonstrate the overall picture of most linked keyword (anchor text) as well as graphic representation of phrases.
  2. Open Site Explorer- Developed by SEOMoz (Now Only Moz), most of the features and reports are similar to ahrefs, allow you check backlinks free and get analysis reports. An advance tool help you find backlinks that're linking to your own website, you can do the same for your competitor and can get benefits by getting links from the websites that your competitor getting.
  3. Backlink Watch- Another Backlink checker tool, uses Ahref (World largest Backlink reporter) API, a simpler interface, give you list of your website backlinks. Show you the top domains that are linking to your site as well as the anchor text that is linked.
  4. Small SEO Tools Compared to other Backlink checker Small SEO tool backlink check is a bit slow. The best thing is that it is free and give you all backlinks report, some backlinks may not show, because their database does't frequently update.
  5. Majestic SEO -  The best one in terms of efficiency and reports, simply you search your homepage URL, and get all backlinks by pages anchor text and profile. To access the advance features you've to subscribe and pay.
  6. Analyze Backlinks- Allow you filter the search reports by checking the boxes that says Backlinks from the homepage Only, specific anchor text, total links and outbound links.
  7. WebConfs- The down side of this tools is that it will show you only the dofollow backlinks of your website and won't repeat from other pages, means if you are getting many links from a blog, then it will be counting only once. it will also show you the page rank of the website that is linking to your blog.
  8. Rank SignalA free backlink checker tool allow you easily check site backlinks with analysis, this tool also show you the rank of the site linking to your site as well as how your site is linked by image or text, if it is anchor text then it will also show you the most used anchor text pointing to a website.
  9.  Web SEO Analytics- The slower one, a free version have limited features, but still you can check backlinks free by entering the URL of your website. compared to other link checker tools mentioned in this post WEB SEO analytics tool won't show you graphical representation and thus is't convenient. it is best if you want to copy all backlinks of a website and then do analysis further.
  10. Monitor backlinks- Another free backlink checker tool allow you get website backlinks reports as well as monitor them, to monitor you'll have to upgrade to pro version. if you're getting more than one links from a website, it will show you them only once.
So these were some of the Free backlink checker tools, i hope you like them and that it will be useful for you, if you want to check social media links of your website then you can useSEOCentro. Backlinks are of quality type if they are relevant. 

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Learn About Pay Per Click Marketing!

Pay Per Click most commonly known as PPC is the process of purchasing keywords or key terms from search engines in order to publicise a websites products or services.
Similar keywords and key terms are linked to small text ads that are displayed within the sponsored link sections of search engine when the keyword or key term is searched for by a user within a search engine.
As particular keywords and key terms are highly competitive search engines set a predetermined minimum rate on any given word or term, according to its popularity. As there is limited space within the sponsored ad sections of a search engine (and everyone wants to be on the 1st page) PPC users must bid on keywords or key terms in order to achieve a more desirable position.
The Cost Per Click (otherwise known as CPC) is not the only factor that search engines take into consideration when displaying sponsored ads relating to a specific keyword or term. They also look at the relevancy of the text ad, its contents, its popularity with other users (has it been clicked on before) and whether the text ad destination page is relevant to the keyword or key term they typed into the search engine in the first place.

Why Should I Use PPC?

PPC is a great way to target online users directly with timely and relevant information. When users perform a keyword or key term search within a search engine, they are looking for something in particular. By producing relevant ads that meet the searches needs, you can direct highly relevant, higher converting users to your website.

PPC Benefits

PPC marketing is great way to market your company’s products or services to online users in a direct and relevant manner. By bidding on keywords and key terms that clearly define your business and creating highly relevant text ads, you are delivering an almost immediate solution to online users that may have not previously known your website existed.
The great thing about PPC marketing is that its impact is directly measurable. You will be able to control the amount you spend on keywords as well as being able to monitor the benefits you receive from the users that click on your ads.
Did they convert to a sale or lead; does this sale or lead revenue outweigh the cost spent on driving the traffic to your site?
Whatever the impact, with PPC marketing you are able to monitor the impact of your marketing efforts, refining and optimising your campaigns whenever you wish.

How do I set up a PPC Campaign?

The main PPC services are offered by the top search engines. These include Google AdWords and Yahoo Search engines, other search engine options include MSN and Sensis search.

Learn About Search Engine Optimization!

Search Engine Optimization most commonly known as SEO is the process of driving organic traffic (free traffic) to a company’s website through search engine results.

Why Should I Use SEO?

Most internet users use search engines to find information, products or services that they are looking for, in fact ‘93 percent of users worldwide use search engines to find websites’ - Forester Research.
Search engine optimization techniques allow you to be found amongst the millions of web pages available on the internet. Many of your competitors will already be using these techniques and benefiting from the traffic that this online marketing is producing.
SEO allows search engines to find your website easily, identifying the content available on the site and its relevancy to search engine users. Search engines aim to deliver the most relevant search results to their users, so they use a variety of techniques to assess website content to ensure that they are delivering the most relevant search results for their users.
Some SEO techniques that are assessed include:
  • Page Meta Tags
  • Page Content
  • Internal Links
  • Inbound Links

How Does SEO Work?

Search Engines have things called spiders, or bots that crawl the internet servers to find content on websites that it then stores in its index. Websites are then filtered according to the search engines algorithms which then store the information that fits its criteria. When a user is performing a search, the search engine will access this index to find the most relevant information it has for the user based on their search keyword or key terms and deliver it to them.
There are a variety of factors that are assessed by search engines to determine the relevancy of the content delivered to search engines users. These include:
  • Page Rank - Google page rank value base on website popularity, age and content
  • Website Links - This includes inbound and outbound links
  • Page Content - Meta Tags, alt tags and on page content

SEO Benefits

The process of performing SEO is lengthy but has great benefits for those that can achieve 1st page rankings in top search engine results such as Google or Yahoo for keywords or key terms that best define the contents of their site.

What is the Difference between SEM and SEO?

Search Engine Marketing commonly known as SEM is the process of driving search engine traffic through paid Pay Per Click (PPC) and unpaid methods, such as Search Engine Optimization. SEO is solely the process of driving traffic to a site through organic search engine results.

How do I Perform SEO on My Website?

SEO is an ongoing process that can take time and effort to master. A combination of SEO techniques will help your site to rank highly with search engines, ultimately driving more traffic to your website.

As SEOs, we’ve all used common anchor text and more generic links in the past: it was, after all, just how things were done a year or two back.  However, things have now changed, and we’ve all got to focus on throwing a bit more variation and invention into our lead generation campaigns.  If the old style links aren’t proving effective anymore, then where should we be focusing our effort?

Co-occurrence.  It’s been voiced (most notably by Bill Slawski), that ranking for a term could now occur without the main keyword being used at all, simply because the link has a direct relevance to it.  For instance, creating content based around Bishop’s Finger or Old Peculiar could lead to a site being ranked the phrase ‘Real ales’, simply because the two former terms are individual brands of a drink.  Enough relevant terms that aren’t direct variations of the keyword could be a great way to build reputation whilst avoiding the dreaded link penalties.

Synonyms.  Sure, the word might sound like the evil company from a dystopian sci-fi novel, but focusing on synonyms can give your link building campaign a real sense of variation.  For instance, if you’re building a football blog, then build up links based on ‘soccer’ too.  If you’re creating an image database, then include links focused on ‘pictures’ and ‘pics’, as well as image formats like ‘JPGs’.  You’re still building a reputation for the same things, but adding far more depth to your reputation.  You’ll also pull in a lot more searches when you begin to rank for all the terms.

Partially matching.  As far as we’re concerned, the very best way to include natural links is to write your content first, then worry about the links afterwards.   If you’ve written a top drawer, 1000 piece article that would grace the New York Times, then added a link to the phrase ‘locksmith’ – with your site’s main keyword being ‘locksmiths based in NY’ then you’re going to see far better results than having two links with the exact keyword within a 200 word knockoff article.  Remember: article first, link second!

Link out.  I’m always amazed when in 2013, SEOs still don’t see the value in linking externally to authority sites.  Outgoing links, when relevant, are a serious way of building authority.   If you were discussing the merits of the war in Iraq (to use a random example), then you would likely cite arguments given by other, higher authorities who agreed with your cause (‘Well, Christopher Hitchens said…’ etc).  This is just as applicable when applied to building good content.  If you’re writing a piece about Michael Jordan, then link to videos of him playing.  If you’re writing about Hemingway, then link to some of his greatest quotes.  It’s relevant to your content, so it’s good for your reputation.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is now one of the most admired internet marketing strategies being implemented by one or the other internet marketing company around the globe. SEO is the process of setting up a website so that it appears as high as possible in the Search Engine Ranking Pages or SERPs’.

 The largest selling point of the professional SEO Services is that these services are helping high traffic levels to the sales funnel and ultimately producing new customers to existing as well as new businesses. The search engine optimization is helping organizations to increase the visibility of their customer service as well as creative informative content that is valuable and helpful to their customers and business clients.
An organization manufacturing different consumer products or services and having a website with SEO as an internet marketing strategy builds market awareness that in turn increases its sales and improve the concerned organization’s reputation among key stake holders. Most of the search engines like Google, Yahoo, and AOL etc display ten results on a page and research show that the results on the first page are more likely to be looked at. Therefore, the higher the ranking a website appears, the more visitors, or users will visit the organization’s website.

Depending upon the objectives for the website, an effective SEO will benefit the business in the following ways:
  • Build a reputation among customers, suppliers, employees and other shareholders,
  • Broaden awareness about the product and services in new market sectors or new geographical areas,
  • Public awareness will be enhanced about the firms services or products,
  • Businesses can sell their products and services directly to customers from their website.
  • Customer service gets improved by delivering online customer support,
  • Organizations can start a dialogue with their customers, business clients through forums, blogs, and feedback pages that can be used to improve products or services and address any issues.
SEO has helped small businesses to compete successfully with large firms and has helped them reach a larger audience with little effort. However, smaller businesses must be aware while choosing various SEO packages offered by SEO service provider as choosing a package that is not suitable for their specific business needs will defeat the entire purpose of opting for an SEO service and its merits.
It is advisable for businesses to choose SEO Company or SEO service providers after a careful and thorough investigation. One can compare the various services offered by multiple SEO service providers before making the right choice. The other important thing to note when choosing your SEO service provider is their reliability and credibility.
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