Here are a few quick and easy tips that you can do on your own:
Create a Google+ Local Listing
People are searching for companies online more than ever before, and this is a quick and easy way to get your company listed on local Google search results and Google Maps. It’s nicer for users when you have this set up because they can view more information about you quickly in a local search. Google also considers this quality content about your company. Make sure to fill out as much information as possible to get everything you can from it.Add social media sharing buttons to your blog
People are more apt to share your content if they can do it quickly and easily. If you include easy to use like, tweet and pin buttons, they are more likely to be used! There are tons of great WordPress plugins that make this process really easy too.Interact more on social media
More interaction allows more people to get to know you and inevitably brings more people back to your website. Aim to spend a few minutes every day making posts to your social media profiles and replying to any messages you’ve received.Add alt tags to all your images
This is really easy to do in WordPress – every time you add an image, add a description of it in the Alt Text box. Try to use keywords or things that would be helpful for your site. This description is put in the code for the image and search engines see it when they crawl your site, so they can use it when ranking you. It’s not a huge factor, but every little bit helps!Write better content
Search engines want to see that you have quality content, things that your audience will be interested in. People are also more interested in quality content, so they are more apt to visit, subscribe, and share things that interest them.5 quick tips, there you are! Let us know if you found these helpful or if you have any great SEO tips to add in the comments area below!
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