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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Nile Marketing - Marketing Your Website

Marketing Your Website

Marketing your website is the most effective step you can take to showcase your brand, services and products to your target market. Just because you build a flashy site doesn’t mean people will automatically know about it.

Developing a results driven online marketing strategy will help you organize the steps you need to take to get your website noticed by potential customers and the search engines. Remember to focus on quality and not quantity. Driving quality customers who are interested in your products and services is more important than getting 100 customers that are uninterested and will click off your site.

Even before you build your company site, you should make a plan on how you will market your website. Making sure your site is build in an SEO friendly manner will help search engines to see it and rank it properly. Also having SEO optimized content will help you rank higher with search engines like Google and Yahoo!

Having a blog on your site and posting relevant content frequently will help keep your site fresh and fully optimized. Also guest blogging will help connect your site to other relevant sites to help you with search engine rankings. It also helps you grow your customer base as your brand will be put in front of more potential customers.

Marketing your website cannot all be done for free. You will have to spend money to make money. Run a pay-per-click (PPC) campaign to effectively target your audience. Also if it fits your demographics, post ads on sites like Facebook.

You will also want to run a re-targeting campaign. Re targeting uses cookies which are placed on the computers of the visitors that come to your site. Once they leave your site, the cookie will show them ads which will drive them back to your site. This is an effective way to bring a customer back who went to your site, browsed and left.

These are just a few ideas to add to your plan when marketing your website. An online marketing agency can help you plan your online strategy to get you a good return on your investment.


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