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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

 Nile Marketing Company - Is There Such Thing as Free Online Marketing ??

Is there such Thing as Free Online Marketing?

Nile Marketing

Free online marketing – it does exist and you can achieve some of it through organic search rankings, different social media platforms and blog writing. These are all online mediums that are free and you can research any one of them easily on the internet. Now with said, remember the old saying – you get what you pay for. Using an experienced online marketing company is recommended but if you decide to go it alone, below are a few tips to get free online marketing for your business.

Organic Search Rankings

Organic search rankings are when search engines crawl the content of your site according to their algorithms and give your site a ranking. Then when a potential customer searches for a keyword, your site will hopefully be listed on the first page of results.

In order to achieve good organic ranking, your site will have to be optimized. This means your site is build in a way that makes it easy for search engines to crawl. Also, the content on your site will have to be optimized for SEO using targeted keywords. Your content will have to be relevant to your target audience. Finally, your content also has to read naturally so your customers understand your product and services.

Social Media Platforms

Social media is now even more important than ever before. The internet allows users to give opinion and comments about your products or services. Your goal is to position your company as reliable, dependable and one that easily interacts with its audience and customers on social media platforms.

For example having a company page on Facebook and interacting with your audience is key. This is a word of mouth platform that can give you free publicity if you do your part. Positive comments are key but even if you get a negative comment or review, your audience can see how you interact with that individual and you could spin it into a positive.


Site blogs are a great way to keep relevant content fresh and new on your site. Make sure you post regularly and that the content positions you as the expert in your field. Also, make sure you are using keywords. A blog has two functions: to get better organic rankings and to answer and inform your audience.

Free online marketing is possible if you know what you are doing. But if you need help, don’t hesitate to look to an online marketing company to get the best rankings for your site.


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