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Showing posts with label SEO Effective. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SEO Effective. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Nile Marketing

What Are The Side Effects If Do Not Track Passes ??

There are a lot of discussions going on regarding the consequences of Do Not Track (DNT) – how it will affect ad tech companies, how it will affect small online publishers, and, ultimately, how will it affect us – the consumers.

First, we must try to understand what DNT really means. It is technically a simple proposal: Add a header to the messages browsers send when they obtain web pages. The header would actually be a simple request for web servers not to track a user’s behavior and online browsing habits. It has been compared to the National Do Not Call Registry. DNT would give us – the consumers – greater control of our personal information online by allowing us to opt out of behavioral advertising. Privacy groups and internet companies, however, do not agree on what exactly the controls should be or what it really means. Privacy groups believe that DNT would halt the collection of data which would allow consumers to surf the web without being concerned that their online activities are being tracked for economic gain. Internet companies believe it would stop them from targeting ads to consumers based on their web browsing history.

Everyone from Fortune 500 tech giants like Google and Facebook to small online publishers would be affected if Congress passes Do Not Track into law. Basically, companies that depend on partners to help them drive revenue from advertising which obtains anonymous, third-party data could be impacted. Google and Facebook would surely see their bottom line affected by DNT, but it is the small online publishers who would be the most vulnerable. DNT would make it almost impossible for a small online publisher whose revenues depend on behavioral advertising to build their business.

It can be argued that allowing consumers to opt out of behavioral advertising and, thereby, affecting the bottom line of advertisers and publishers would lead to a time when free internet may no longer exist. The practice of collecting and selling a consumer’s data to advertisers has become a main source of income for many online companies which helps provide the consumer with free web content and services.

The discussions regarding Do Not Track will continue with many believing that the internet marketplace has grown and the protection of consumer information must grow along with it.

Nile Marketing

8 Reasons Why Your Business Should Have a Blog

Blogs can be seen everywhere on the web today, and there are lots of great reasons behind it. Blogs for business boost publicity, customer contacts and elevate page ranking. There isn’t any better moment to think about incorporating one into your internet advertising campaign and plenty of excellent reasons to make it happen.

1. Quick Connections with Your Audience

Blogs for business are the swiftest method of connection, having a finely-narrowed target audience. With Facebook as well as Twitter you can get huge publicity; however , you may devote significant amounts of your time and energy going after people who don’t have any desire for your products or services.

2. Tune into Your Target Audience

Blogs will enable you to reach a narrowly defined audience. Those who have an interest in your products or services will frequently pay a visit to and comment on your blog. People would prefer to subscribe to a blog which addresses their desires and needs.

3. Indirect Social Media Sales

Companies are making use of social networking increasingly more nowadays. Social websites such as Twitter and facebook aren’t any place to push your products or services. But within a blog, you are able to supercharge profits speedily simply by talking freely about the benefits of your specific company.

4. You Get to Control Your Content

In a blog for business, you’ve got complete control of your content material. You may create the kinds of articles which will help you the most. You can also manage links on your website as well as eliminate unproductive responses.

5. Boost Trustworthiness

Small and moderate-sized companies tend to be regarded as a resource of interaction with prospective customers. Because your blog content material may improve your credibility, it can be profitable to learn as much as possible about your target audience. A blog could be tightly related to the limited number of consumers who would like to learn more about your industry.

6. Notify about Products and Special offers

With social networking websites, you only have minimal opportunities to talk about your most recent products and special offers. Using a blog, you are able to describe new business features without annoying online users.

7. Frequently Add Fresh Content Material

People love content material which is aimed at them. Nevertheless, they don’t stay with a site that gives them nothing; they want a blog that offers new information. Offer these prospective consumers the details you would like them to know about your company as well as interesting and helpful posts that will keep them coming back for more.

8. Affordable Advertising

Blogs are low-cost advertising resources which can be developed at no cost or on low priced websites. These blogs improve profits and gets site visitors while costing very little. Customers that like your blog ill be back to get more. These people also are more likely to go to your primary website and perhaps buy immediately.

Nile Marketing

Why You Should Use Local SEO For Internet Marketing ??

When talking about internet marketing, home is the best place to be. Local SEO (search engine optimization) will let you make a marketing and advertising strategy to get the interest of people within your local community. After that, your business can grow into fresh markets.

Why Is Local Marketing and Advertising Essential For a Small Business?

Many buyers want local products and services from community companies. For instance, if you were a tailor in Burlington, VT, you should market yourself locally. Shoppers throughout Burlington searching for a great tailor would naturally explore locally first. This natural impulse may be used to expand your circuit of customers.

Attain High Ranking

Internet marketing is centered on your company ranking advantageously in search engine results. Using local keywords and phrases will lead to a higher ranking since being specific means a smaller amount of competitors. Make use of the absence of competition to become a big fish in a small pond. People who look online for the services you offer, have less choices if they would like to shop locally. Making use of local SEO provides you with an advantage on the web and raises the probability of local shoppers getting in touch with you.

People Are Proud of Their Neighborhood

The majority of consumers would like to support their local economy whenever possible. For instance, many shoppers would rather purchase their produce from a local company as opposed to a chain retailer.
Another illustration: if, after moving away from your hometown, you’ve got a desire for bread that a neighborhood shop offered, you might be able to locate the business that produced that bread by looking for them using local keywords and phrases.
Without using local keywords and phrases as a part of your marketing strategy, you might not end up with the ranking you’ll need to be seen by those people who are very devoted to a brand.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Nile Marketing

It’s Time to Use Google Plus for Marketing Your Business

I already know what you’re thinking… NOT another social network. Unfortunately whether we like it or not, we all need to adopt Google Plus for marketing, and FAST! This is especially true if your business relies on SEO as a primary source of traffic to your website.

Currently, Google Plus has fewer users than LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook, but this will not be true for very much longer. Recently,

 Google has added features such as Search and Your World. What this means for you as a business owner is that your search results are now going to be heavily influenced by Google+. With over three billion searches every day on Google, 

Google Plus is poised to take off in the very near future. The time to act on this fact is now. If you don’t begin implementing Google Plus for marketing your business immediately, then you might be left behind.

So now that you know that you have to start using Google Plus, the only decision that you are now faced with is what you’re want to do with it. Whether that means highlighting your community, creating a video series, or utilizing it for communication, it is necessary for you to have a Google Plus marketing strategy immediately because it won’t only affect your current social media plan. Google Plus has the potential to affect every single online marketing campaign or plan that uses search engine optimization or social media in order to get traffic, create leads, and generate more sales.

Nile Marketing

Smaller News Sites Need Facebook to Be Seen

The internet has has significantly lowered the amount of print media that is in circulation. Now everyone looks for their news online, and many smaller news publishers are not able to make ends meet with printed material alone. In order to be seen, these publishers have to find alternate methods of distribution- and Facebook is one of the best.
Research shows that smaller publishing companies get much more exposure online due to Facebook than larger publishing companies. A Chicago study of local websites and newspapers showed that smaller news websites can get half of all their traffic through Facebook.

This study proved what many of us already knew- that social media is absolutely necessary for small websites and blogs to be seen. These blogs and small websites get many of their readers based on shares, word of mouth, and likes. Bigger sites like already have a solid name built on many years of publicity and print media history, so people go online and search for their name when they want to find news.

Size of site: Average visits from Facebook: Average visits from Twitter: Total:



The study, which was done by the Chicago Community Trust, shows that more bloggers and publishers should view Facebook as an important method for distributing news and driving more traffic to their websites.

Social media is a traffic driver. Small websites need to see the importance of using social media to promote themselves and be seen. Every small website should have a Facebook page- and it should be used frequently. A Facebook page will not do you any good if you do not use it often. Devoting attention and time to building up a solid fanbase by earning lots of likes on your page will help you be seen and distribute your article links.

What should you post? Posts that are informative, interesting or helpful are usually welcomed; while spam is not. People don’t want to see a dozen posts a day about how amazing your website is. Show them how great your site is by the material you post and by how creative and professional you are. If you want your page to be seen on Facebook, you must create an atmosphere that people will want to be a part of.

Nile Marketing

Brand Advocates and Your Company’s Success :-

Brand advocates. These hard-to-get customers are any marketer’s dream come true. A brand advocate is someone who genuinely likes a particular brand and promotes it to other people voluntarily. A brand advocate is a company’s best friend, but they do not come easily. These self-appointed marketers must be earned; they are true fans that genuinely love your product or services and want to tell the world about it. These are not people who have been paid to share your brand’s name, these are people who genuinely want to talk about your brand because they believe in it.

There are a few characteristics of brand advocates that marketers should be aware of:

1. 67% of brand advocates recommend both business and consumer products, and 31% only recommend consumer services and products, such as restaurants, hotels, airlines, electronics, vehicles, etc.

2. A brand advocate is active. 16% of them recommend over 15 different brands to their network, and 32% recommend over 10 brands to their networks. 30% of brand advocates post weekly about the brands they like.

3. Brand advocates have vast social networks, including social media. In our modern world that is saturated with social media connections, brand advocates now have a very effective way to share their favorite brands- and they tend to have a very high number of social connections. A brand advocate has an average of 200-450 people in their social network, with 18% having over 500 people in their social network.

4. Brand advocates increase sales! 61% of people consider buying the brand, service, or product that a brand advocate recommends. People are more likely to trust an endorsement made by a friend than an advertisement.

5. You can’t buy a brand advocate. Only 1% of brand advocates will recommend a brand because of incentives or rewards, compared to 50% of brand advocates that cited good experiences with the company’s services or products as a motivation, and 37% that wanted to help their friends make smart buying decisions.

So what is the best way to get a brand advocate? Here are a few things to keep in mind.

1. Give them a good experience. By providing customers with a good experience and quality products, you will create brand advocates who are passionate about promoting your brand.

2. Relevant marketing. A vital part of attracting brand advocates is through targeted and relevant marketing. 4 out of 10 subscribers have admitted that they will mark emails as spam just because they were irrelevant. Marketing emails that target specific audiences will get 50% more response. So when you target these brand advocates, make sure you use relevant marketing.

Finding and energizing these brand advocates is a vital part of any business’s success.

And providing an excellent customer experience to create even more brand advocates is a target goal that all companies should have. A brand advocate is a company’s best friend, so make them a priority for all departments of your company, not just marketing.
Nile Marketing

Nile Marketing Making Customer Experience the Core of Any Internet Exclusive Marketing Strategies

In the first part of this blog, we learned how important of a factor customer experience is in any business’s internet marketing strategy. In learning how to create a positive customer experience, we went over the 3 “Be’s”: be relevant, be consistent, and be iterative. In Part II of this blog, we are going to go over how to apply these concepts to two of the most important digital channels (although there are many others where these ideas can be applied as well). Let’s learn how to be relevant, consistent, and iterative in order so that we can deliver the best possible customer experience!


Websites have changed a lot since the times when they were just an online company brochure. Now, your website can and should serve as the central hub for all of your sales, marketing, and customer support efforts. In addition, it must accurately address the needs of all of your different target audiences accordingly. In this sense, the right website can serve as the ultimate conversion tool for all different kinds of businesses. It should help advance a visitor from a lead, to a customer, and finally to a happy dedicated customer. It does this by providing every visitor with the right content at the right time encouraging them to take the proper actions. Here’s how:

Be Relevant – Throughout the digital customer journey, you are able to gather a lot of data that then can be used to help you deliver the right content on your site. Here are some of the types of data that can be collected in order to be more relevant:

Site behavior: What customers do while they are on your website — for example, how often they visit, if they have any previous conversions, which pages are visited most frequently, etc.

Visit source: How your customers got to your website – for example, the referring domain, the search term they used, time of day, etc.

Be Consistent – In order for companies to deliver a consistent user experience on their website, it is important for them to stop completely separating different channels of marketing such as web, email, and social media. Instead, they should embrace the fact that the customer journey weaves its way through each of these different channels at various times. This means that it is really important for businesses and their marketing teams to decide on a message and deliver this message consistently throughout all channels.

Be Iterative – When marketers think about analytics, they tend to most often think of web analytics, which does currently provide a high level view of website performance against general metrics like page views, unique visitors, and bounce rates. While web analytics is extremely important, marketers who are considering customer experience need to focus more on measuring and optimizing business outcomes such as leads, downloads, and registrations.


If you build it, they will come — except with social media. In the case of social media, they’ll come whether you build it or not. That’s exactly the reason why smart marketers are now taking control of their company’s social media presence as a part of their internet marketing strategy. They’re doing this by coming up with exciting new ways to engage with customers and leads. Here are some ways that you can always keep the customer in mind and use the 3 Be’s when managing your social media marketing presence.

Be Relevant- In order to be relevant in social media you must first and foremost find the areas where conversations are happening about your company or business. Then, you can engage in the conversation by providing relevant content. For example, don’t spend your time on Facebook if your audience is on LinkedIn. Then, after you find that audience, take the time to listen to and understand what it is they want by becoming a trusted member of that community. The only way that you can do that is by providing relevant, helpful content on a consistent basis.

Be Consistent- In order to be consistent, the first step is to integrate your social media presence across all marketing channels. For example, if someone is following your company on Facebook, then there’s a good chance they are (or should be soon…) receiving email communications from you… or are reading your blog… or are following your company on Twitter. What this means is that if you’re not including social share and follow buttons consistently across all of your marketing channels, you’re certainly missing a big opportunity to create an integrated and memorable experience for your customers.

Be Iterative- Know how effective your social media activities are by measuring your ROI. Most marketers know they should be on social media, but they’re just not completely sure what they’re supposed to be doing there. But, if you monitor your social media in the right way, you can see precisely how effective your efforts are by tracking what marketing messages on which social networks drove traffic, leads, and customers to your business.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Nile Marketing

Nile Marketing Making Customer Experience the Core of Any Internet Exclusive Marketing Strategies

Here’s an important question for every business owner to ask themselves: To what degree does customer experience factor in to your current marketing strategies?

If customer experience (CX) is a new idea for you, a great way to think of it is as the overall experience — positive, negative or neutral — a customer has with a particular business. This experience begins at their discovery and awareness of the brand, all the way through their interaction, purchase, use, and potentially even advocacy of that brand. In today’s technologically-driven world, chances are high that the interactions you have with your customers are going to include one or more digital channels (for example your website, landing pages, email campaigns, mobile website or app, social media campaigns, and more). That’s the increasingly important subset of customer experience marketing (CXM), something we in the world of internet marketing refer to as “Digital Experience Management.” In other words, customer experience is way more than just a friendly voice on the phone.

In order to deliver an amazing customer experience, you need to think like a customer. But how? Here are three critical “Be’s” to consider that will help you deliver a superior digital customer experience:

1) Be Relevant- Creating relevant marketing strategies requires most importantly that you understand your customers. Understanding your customers is critical so that you can present them with exactly the content they want at the right time. This is the definition of being relevant, and it requires a deep understanding of not just your target audience(s), but also the customer journey. This includes how future customers find you, how you market your products or services to them, and how you support them after the sale has taken place. Relevancy is the core of any successful company.

2) Be Consistent- Today, most marketing is principally organized around three specific digital marketing channels — web, email, and social media. Unfortunately, your customers don’t see these as marketing channels the way you do. What they see is your company. Marketers must put the customer at the center of their focus and design a consistent experience for them that bridges throughout these digital channels.

3) Be Iterative- Focusing on customer experience means putting the right processes in place to understand customer behavior. After this, it is important to make improvements to the various digital channels through constant optimization. This is not a one-time effort!

Now that you understand a little bit better how to put yourself in the shoes of your so you can create a better experience, go ahead and read Part II of this blog to learn how to apply these ideas to the necessary digital channels, and learn how to be relevant, consistent, and iterative in your internet marketing strategies so that you can deliver an incredible customer experience.

Nile Marketing

Pinterest to Promote Your Business Online

Social media is an effective and popular method for enhancing your online business profile online. Most businesses have a Facebook page and Twitter account, and many use other social media as well. The latest social media platform to come into play is Pinterest. Pinterest is a great way to share videos and pictures, and to overall promote your business online.

You can use Pinterest to show off new products or to share things you want to promote. Maybe you would like to make some good “how to” video clips that your fans will enjoy. Pinterest is the perfect place to share those videos. Pinterest is all about the pictures- so make lots of fabulous images to make people want to talk about your company or brand.

Your Pinterest pinboard is a great outlet for your creativity. Use it, and have fun while designing it. Even if you don’t think you are very creative, try it anyways. Observe other people’s pinboards, find ones you like, and try to do something similar. Don’t copy someone else’s ideas, but you can become inspired by other great ideas and use certain elements in your own designs. Infographics are an awesome method for visualizing information. These infographics can be clever and witty, and people love them, so use these to your advantage.

Right now you can only join Pinterest if a member invites you, or if you request an invite from Pinterest themselves. Once you get this invitation, you can register via Facebook Connect or through Twitter.

Like the majority of social media sites, you can make a profile and add a biography and profile picture. If you are using this profile to promote your business, make sure you keep it professional and interesting. This is your opportunity to grab people’s attention and make it fun!

Users can access Pinterest on mobile devices anytime, anywhere. That means that the majority of the time, your viewers and subscribers can see your updates instantly. Pin something new every day so your name is always in the forefront of their mind, whether they are on the go or at home on their laptop.

As with Twitter, Pinterest shouldn’t be used as a board for advertising. If you do, you’ll turn people off. Add value to create interest, and be subtle. Talk to your followers and make your communications fun and light-hearted, creating positive connections. Never fight, be rude, or get involved with drama on your board; this is a huge turnoff and it is very unprofessional. Make lots of comments on other companies’ posts and pins, and make sure you make your comments genuine. Be positive in your comments. You can share ideas or expertise, but don’t be a show-off either. Using Pinterest effectively requires having good manners and utilizing excellent social skills, just like in real life.

You can use Pinterest to promote an upcoming event or promotion. You can create a special board to showcase your event. Make it fun and interesting! This will grab people’s attention and will inform them of your promotion and what your company is up to. You can expand your Pinterest fan base by promoting your new profile on your other social media profiles. This way they can interact with your pinboards, converse with you, and send you feedback, which is vital to your business. Make sure you always graciously accept feedback; not all customers will take the time to tell you what they think.

Overall, Pinterest is a great resource for any company or brand to promote your business online. It’s a place where you can promote your brand, interact with customers and fans, and make people aware of your name.
Nile Marketing

Google Analytics Offers App for Android :-

Google has released the Google Analytics App for Android. The handy mobile Analytics App provides users with vital analytics data on the go. You can access this data anywhere, anytime. You can check figures quickly in a meeting or while talking to a client on the phone in your car. You don’t have to wait for your desktop anymore- now you can see those all important stats right on your phone with the new Analytics App.

The Analytics App lets you see see statistics in real time, customize your dashboards and access intelligence reports right on your mobile device. The app allows you to access your same profiles and accounts that you use on your desktop when you use Google Analytics. However, the app format has been designed to be easy to see and use on your phone.

The process of accessing and loading Google Analytics reports used to be a slow and arduous task from a mobile phone. Reports would take forever to load, if they would load at all, and the interface was difficult to navigate on a mobile phone. But now the information can be brought up instantly, since the phone’s processors help the Analytics App load. The interface is easier to navigate and use, making this a valuable tool for anyone who relies on Google Analytics.

According to Google, Android Analytics App users can see the following “swipe through” reports:

Real-Time: See the number of visitors you currently have and a list of the pages (for websites) or screens (for apps) that are currently popular.
Dashboard: Monitor the KPIs and user metrics you care about the most. By default, you’ll see your Daily Unique Visitors and your Goal Conversion Rate, but you can customize the dashboard to change which reports, metrics, or segments you see.
Automatic and Customized Alerts: Google Analytics detects statistical anomalies in your data and can send you an alert when something unusual happens. See either automatic alerts, or customize your settings to send alerts based on your own benchmarks.
The much anticipated new Analytics App already has an average user rating of 4 stars since its launch in June, 2012, and the number of positive reviews are growing daily. If you use Google Analytics even occasionally, this app should be next on your list of downloads for your mobile phone.

Nile Marketing

Why Internet Marketing?

What is internet marketing? 
We see it every day. Banner ads, regular ads, pop-ups, links to your website, affiliate links, and so much more. There are many kinds of internet marketing- and they are very effective. When you get the right ads or marketing tools in the right spots, you can greatly boost your business. Millions of people surf the web every day; the majority of people now go online to look for products, ideas, and information. If you can tap into that market, you will have endless opportunities for getting your message to the world.

Internet marketing also allows you to be creative. Unlike printed ads, you can make your ads animated. These ads can even outdo a television ad by incorporating an interactive feature. These ads are effective because they catch people’s attention, drawing them in to see the message that you want them to get.

But the effectiveness of internet marketing is not the only reason why it is an essential part of a modern business. Internet marketing is vital to a modern business because it is cost effective. Printed advertisements and TV/radio advertisements are very expensive, making it more difficult for smaller companies and businesses to effectively advertise themselves. Printed ads include phone books, newspapers, journals and magazines, and can cost huge amounts of money to produce. TV/radio ads can help spread your message to a very large audience, but it will cost you big bucks to do so.

Internet marketing, however, is very inexpensive, and small businesses can efficiently promote themselves on a small budget. Besides the comparatively low costs, the creative advertising options available online mean that you are not limited to a simple ad. You can use links, social media, interactive ads to get people’s attention, free resources such as online phone books and business directories, and so much more. Many advertisement options only require you pay for ads that people actually click on, called cost-per-click ads. This saves you from paying for dozens of ads that no one shows an interest in.

Using internet marketing is vital to a company or business’s growth because the internet is not going anywhere. More and more people are using the internet every day, and the new generations growing up are using it much more than their parents. The internet allows people to communicate instantly, find products and information they want quickly, and is constantly breaking down barriers. Online shopping is gaining popularity rapidly, bringing more people online to find the products and services they want. Investing in internet marketing is a very wise choice because it is not only a pivotal part of today’s society, it will be a pivotal part of tomorrow’s as well.

Our internet marketing experts are ready to help you devise and execute a strategy for promoting your company or business online.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Nile Marketing

5 Important Points That SEO Content Writers Should Keep In Mind

The key to success for all SEO content writers is that they should have proper knowledge about writing and should enjoy what they write. If you are a content writer, always try to put your heart and soul on each article you write. Here are some tips to help you in developing your content writing talent.

Use short paragraphs
Image you come across a long paragraph (about 400 words), will you read it properly? Probably not. Your attention will deviate after reading the first 150 words. So, while developing your content always try to break it up in number of paragraphs.

Use bullets or numbers
The main idea of using bullets and numbers is to make it easier for visitors to read your content. Besides, bullets also make your content look good and organized.

Write catchy title/header
Developing a catchy title is one of the most important things in SEO content writing. Without a proper title, your article might not create the impact that you expect it to create. Tip to write catchy title is to use smart question and statement that utilize keywords or phrases that people look for.

Write attractive content
Once you have developed a catchy title, concentrate on writing an attractive content. Badly written content can permanently turn off online visitors. So, if you want to grab the visitor’s attention, make sure your content is nicely written.

Use relevant statistics to leverage your points
When you use proper facts and figures in your content, you make it easier for visitors to understand it better. However, refrain from overusing statistical figures because it can make your content too technical, thus making it difficult for people to understand.

Nile Marketing

Public Relations: Your Gateway to the Public

What is public relations, or PR? And why is it so important to my company? Public Relations News defines it this way: “Public relations is the management function which evaluates public attitudes, identifies the policies and procedures of an individual or an organization with the public interest, and plans and executes a program ofaction to earn public understanding and acceptance.” In short, public relations is the process communicating with your target market.

What is the purpose for PR? The purpose of PR is to tell the public a story. And the public always wants a good story. The better story you can tell, the more the public will like and accept it. And when this good story appeals particularly to your targeted potential clients, then your story is truly a success. If you are targeting potential clients, then your public relations in this case may not be quite so public.

What is the motive for PR? For many groups, especially political ones, public relations is a method for influencing public opinion in their favor. But PR can also be used for community relations. If you take a look in your own community you will see many companies that have connections in community affairs, most having a person with the public relations in their title.

What does PR entail? The public aspect of PR includes things like public press conferences, investor relations, public affairs, crisis communications, internal communications, and community relations. But PR also encompasses a wide range of non-public activities that occur behind the scenes. You may need to hire writers to create press releases or designers to create campaign ads. You might find yourself organizing conferences and events or securing various credentials. This is all a part of PR.

Why is PR important? Because it helps to build your brand. It is the best form of advertising. It uses media and a tailored message to show the world who you are, what you do, and why they should trust you over the competition.

How do I use PR? Public relations can be used to tell the world about your new products, make major announcements, or communicate news about your company. You want to address the public at large, but target a specific group. This group can be people who are potential customers, investors, or some cases a group that you are attempting to influence with a specific message.

To use public relations effectively, you need to define what your target group is. Who are you talking to? Who do you want to reach? Then you need to define your message. What are you trying to say? And what is the best way to say it? Then you need to get broadcasts and publications lined up to distribute your message.

The point of PR is to get your message out to the right group in a way that will be well received and productive. Our public relations experts are ready to help you define and execute your PR strategy.
Nile Marketing

The Importance of Mobile Website Design and Applications

20 years ago the sight of a cell phone was not very common. But today, it is considered strange if you do not have a cell phone in your pocket or purse somewhere. And with such easy access to smartphones, they are becoming more and more popular. With the number of smartphone and tablet users skyrocketing, expanding yourbusiness to include mobile design and applications is very important.

So what sort of things should you design for mobile usage? The first thing you should do is create a mobile website design. Your website may look amazing on a regular computer, but it is probably difficult to navigate on a mobile device. Designing a secondary website that becomes available for mobile surfers will make your website more appealing and easy to use.

The second thing you should do with mobile design is create applications, or apps. These apps can be for shopping, payment options, information apps, and so much more. You can integrate your applications with other applications that people already know and trust. For example, you could link with a Paypal app for secure payment options. If you want to include social media, you can incorporate a Facebook or Twitter app.

Once you use mobile website design to create your app, you need to decide how many platforms you want it to work on, since apps do not automatically work on all mobile devices. Do you want your app to work on Apple products? This means you would need to make sure that your app works on the iPhone, iPod and iPad. Then there are the Android products, which will need to be configured through mobile design as well. The more mobile devices that your app will work on, the more interest your business will get through mobile devices.

There are many other things you can do with mobile website design to make your business more desirable on mobile devices. If you want to try any of these ideas, our team of designers are ready to help.
Nile Marketing

Web Design : It Can Make or Break Your Company.

Have you ever been on a website that was hard to use or very badly designed? Or maybe it didn’t look very secure, and gave you the feeling that your credit card information would be sold to the highest bidder if you were foolish enough to buy something there. Either way, you probably didn’t stay very long. The website may have had the highest security settings available and may have had great products or services, but if it’s not presented well or easy to use, potential customers will not stay. That is why web design is so important.

Have you ever been on a website that was hard to use or very badly designed? Or maybe it didn’t look very secure, and gave you the feeling that your credit card information would be sold to the highest bidder if you were foolish enough to buy something there. Either way, you probably didn’t stay very long. The website may have had the highest security settings available and may have had great products or services, but if it’s not presented well or easy to use, potential customers will not stay. That is why website design is so important.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Nile Marketing

Social Media Marketing Strategy to Boost Your Business

Facebook. Twitter. Google+. Youtube. These websites may appear to be just for teens who like to talk to each other, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. People of all ages, backgrounds, and professions use social media today. And when you throw in a professional social media website like Linkedin, you have a huge mix of potential social media marketing strategy and platforms that can help boost your business.

Facebook. Twitter. Google+. YouTube. These websites may appear to be just for teens who like to talk to each other, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. People of all ages, backgrounds, and professions use social media today. And when you throw in a professional social media website like Linkedin, you have a huge mix of potential social media marketing platforms that can help boost your business.

Social media marketing is exactly what it sounds like- marketing your business or website on social media websites. It allows you to reach an infinite amount of people- if you can catch people’s attention and get them to share or “like” your material. That’s where strategy comes in.

You can market your website or business on social media sites a few different ways. You can start out by creating a profile page for your business. Depending on which social media website you are using, you may use a generic profile or a business page profile. Make sure your profile looks and feels professional; leave the misspelled posts about your daily hygiene activities for your own personal profile. Get professional designers to make your business profile look spectacular and grab people’s attention. Make regular posts, offer promotions and contests, give a reward for liking or sharing your page with their friends, etc.

You can also share your company via social media by creating ads. Facebook has an option where you can create ads from scratch, or promote your business page through a Facebook ad. Unlike the free page listings these ads do cost money, but it’s still much less than what you would pay to advertise on other places that would reach half as many people. These ads target specific groups of people on Facebook who have similar interests to what your ad portrays, so you have a better chance of getting your ad noticed.

Social media marketing strategy is a very effective way to advertise and promote your business, but it does require some strategy to make it truly successful. Our team of social media marketing experts can help you set up a social media business page and show you how to use it, or even do the promoting for you.
Nile Marketing

Using Search Engine Optimization to Promote Your Business

You may have heard the term SEO before, but if you’re like the majority of the population, you don’t really know what it is or how important it is to your business. SEO, or search engine optimization, is the practice of using specific keywords in the right amounts and places to get your web page to place well in search engine.

You may have heard the term SEO before, but if you’re like the majority of the population, you don’t really know what it is or how important it is to your business. SEO, or search engine optimization, is the practice of using specific keywords in the right amounts and places to get your web page to place well in search engine.

SEO is important because without it, search engines like Google will not be able to understand what your website is all about, therefore making your page not show up when people search for the subjects your web page is about.

Although the rules of SEO are constantly changing, search engine optimization is not as hard as it may sound. You want to aim for 3% density; less than this will make search engines ignore it, but too much more and search engines will mark it as spam. A good rule of thumb is to use your keyword or keyword phrase once for every 100 words in your text.

Where you place the keywords is almost as important as what keywords you choose. The most important locations are in your title, first and last paragraph, and page URL. If the keyword is in your website title it’s even better.

What keywords should you use? If you have a local business, use keywords or phrases that local people would search for. For example, if you own a bakery in Houston Texas, your keyword could be “Houston Bakery”. If you have a business that has a wider spread of desired influence, the keywords you choose should be ones that are searched for the most often. You can get lists of the most searched phrases and words from various search engines. Use these list to pick keywords that are in high demand.

Search engine optimization can take some time to get used to and time for search engines to start noticing your website’s SEO content, but it is well worth it when a customer can see your website on the first page of their search. Our team of experts can help you learn how to use SEO, or write SEO rich content for your website.
SEOprofiler SEO software

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