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Friday, April 12, 2013

Nile Marketing

Keyword Research Made Easy By Google Adwords Keyword Search Tool :-

Before you start to plan a microniche site or a blog, you need to think of a subject around which your website will be focused. Keywords are really important. They not only help you to rank your website on some of the major search engines but also give you ideas about the contents you want to publish on your website. You may hear people saying, keywords are not so important. The only thing important is good content and thats what your really need.
All I want to say is, good keywords and good contents are complement to each other. And for good keywords, you need to have well researched them. There are very many tools available our there in the market for keyword analysis.We are going to talk about google Adwords as keyword search tool. Why we would choose google Adwords? There are couple of reasons for that. First is, it is FREE. Second reason is… its data is authentic, coming right from Google and you can trust this data.
So lets dive in the Google Keyword Search Tool. Probably you have already used to this tool, does not matter if you have liked it or not, but it is the best keyword search tool available out there so far and it is free. It fetches its data from the Adwords and it makes use of the Google search frequency. Before you start using this tool, it is always advised to create an account with Google Adwords and sign in, otherwise you will have to enter captcha (a funny little text) everytime you do a search. Setting up an Adwords account is totally free and it is worth making an account there.
Some of the great features of the Google Keyword Search Tool
You can change your search from broad to exact match or phrase match volumes. This is really a great feature which you can use to decide, whether they keyword you are targeting is good for your or not. Exact match will show you how many people are making global and local monthly searches on the exact string you have entered.
This tool has many options to refine your search or have greater insight about your keyword. These options are hidden under “Sorted By Relevance” And “Columns” drop down menus.
Advanced Options and filters
Locations and language: This is very useful feature for the people who are doing international research. You can localize your settings and see the amount of traffic for that particular language or country. Future version may include states or regions as well. We keep our fingers crossed.

You can also choose “Show Ideas and Statics for ” to further drill down your search. This option provides you a choice to have a rough estimate of traffic coming from different devices such as desktop and laptop devices or mobile devices etc.
You can customize your search according to your preferences by applying desirable filters. This is sometimes very useful when we need to refine our search.
Include Exclude Terms
This allows us to include and exclude specific terms in our search string. For example if your search query is “food” and you have specified the term “thai” then it will list all the keywords which are having word food but thai. You can use this feature to narrow down your search criteria.

The category drop down menu is sometimes very useful especially when you are looking for a list of keywords from a specific niche. For example, if you are looking for healthy eating recipes, you might want to select the category ” Food and Groceries”.
“Only show ideas closely related to my search terms” is not checked by default. If you are dealingn with the search terms which are really really generic in nature and returning lots of unwanted keywords you might want to check this option. It will return all the keywords which contains your search string.
You can also save the search ideas or keywords. The saved items will last for the rest of the session. Ad group ideas is a new feature in the Google External Keyword Search Tool, but still in beta version. It can be very much useful for different keywords into niches. This is little bit confusing for the new users at first but once you understand the whole idea behind it, you will find it pretty useful feature.
Column Drop Down Menu Options
Competition shows the data collected from the adwords. More competition means you will have to compete with many more people in the same niche. They keyword is hot but if you are planning to go for PPC, you may have to pay more per click.
Global and Local monthly searches volumes shows the number of searched made per month both local and globally. Local by default is set to United States which can be changed in . Global search volumes shows the numbers of searches made across the glob by the people.
Local search trends is also very cool feature. It tells you the search trends from last 12 months. You can see the trends and decide if the keyword is hot 27 by 7 by 365 or if the keyword is seasonal.

Some Final Thoughts
There are few things you must need to understand. Search volume is just a suggestions. This does not necessarily means that these numbers are going to be precise, but they can give your fair bit of idea how the traffic trends are going.
Include/ Exclude terms or save ideas will last for the rest of the session. If you need to make a fresh research, you would like to delete saved data and start afresh.
As this tool is tied to Google Adwords and because this tool comes free of cost so it is apparent that google wants you to spend more money on it. It is basically designed for Adwords so you should be careful not to click on the items which say “add to account”. If you are relatively new to this tool, i strongly recommend you to open a separate account for research purpose.
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