The growing popularity of the online social networks has made it essential for the digital marketers to implement a comprehensive online marketing strategy by integrating both search engine optimization (SEO) and social media optimization (SMO) techniques. However, some of the popular social networks do not offer any feature to directly improve the search engine ranking and visibility of your website. Google has launched a social networking platform that gathers social signals from the members, and use the signals to increase the rank of a website on the search engine results pages (SERPs). If you have not explored the benefits offered by Google+, it is time to revamp your digital marketing strategy by integrating some fresh and innovative SEO techniques.
Increase Your Number of Followers
The online social media has become a popular platform to bring together the business owners and customers. Similar to other popular online networks, Google+ also offers a set of specific features to stay connected with your existing customers and prospects. These features can also be used increase you follower base by sharing original and fresh information about the products or services offered by your business.
Further, your website will rank higher on the SERPs, if the searcher is following your profile on Google+. You can even follow some simple steps to attract more people to follow you on the social networking platform. In addition to linking your Google+ profile to your website, you can even include the social networking profile in your email signature and other social media and forum profiles.
Build a Brand by Claiming Authorship for Your Articles and Blogs
Google+ also offers specific features to enable website owners to claim authorship for the articles and blogs written by them. For instance, if you are regularly writing articles and blog posts highlighting various aspects of your business, now you can claim ownership for the published content. Also, the author info will be displayed as part of the online search results, and can be viewed even by the searchers who have not logged in to their respective Google+ profiles.
Further, the searchers already logged in to their Google+ profiles have options to add the author to their circles directly from the SERPs. Google also allows webmasters to claim ownership for their web content through several ways. You can include the same email id in the blog and Google+ profile page to claim ownership without putting any extra effort. At the same time, you can even link the web content and with your Google+ profile to claim authorship. These features will be of great help to promote your professional credibility and build a popular online brand.
Link Your Website and Google+ Page
You can even consider connecting your website directly with the Google+ page to dominate the search engine results. Simply by adding a Google+ badge to your website, you can invite your followers to visit the website. Similarly, you can even add simple codes to encourage your Google+ followers to access your online business portal.
The integration of Google+ page and website will make it easier for you to manage your online reputation. Some websites have even explored the options to overcome negative and unfavorable reviews posted about their products or services. The option will push these unfavorable reviews and comments further down the SERPs and minimize their chances of being viewed by the searchers.
Add Google+1 Buttons to Different Sections of Your Website
Similar to the Facebook like button, a webmaster also have options to incorporate the +1 button in various sections of his website. But the +1 buttons are considered to be more effective than the Facebook like button due their SEO values. These buttons can enhance the ranking of your website in SERPs, even when the searcher is not logged in to his Google+ profile.
You can collect codes for the latest +1 from Google, and install these buttons in the home and other pages of your website. Along with sending social signal to Google search results, the +1 buttons can further make it easier for others to share the web page on their Google+ profile pages.
Optimize Your Google+ Profile
In additions to the measures mentioned above, a webmaster also needs to ensure that his Google+ profile and pages are filled in with the required information. Google also allows members to prioritize some key areas of their profile for on-page optimization and SEO purposes. Along with your identity and contact information, you need to concentrate on the first 55 characters of the introduction. As these information will be displayed as part of the search results, you must concentrate on make the introduction innovative and catchy.
Are you already using Google+ to increase the ranking and visibility of your website on SERPs? Please share your ideas and experience to help others in developing the right SEO strategy.