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Monday, April 22, 2013

 Nile Marketing

Boost Business with Email Marketing Services :

Instead of using the traditional direct mail marketing, more and more companies are finding it more advantageous to use email marketing services. It is convenient, faster and more cost effective to engage in an email marketing campaign than using direct mailers.

Keep in mind that with an email campaign, your customers can receive your message any time of the day. Customers have 24 hour access to their email with the use of smartphones and other devices. With a direct mailer, receipt is dependent on when the postal service delivers to the customer’s address and when your customer checks the mail.

Email marketing services offer different kinds of emails to target your audience at different points. You can send emails to attract, inform and retain customers. The goal of an acquisition email campaign is to acquire new customers. You want to send them sales driven emails that will point them to your site to make a purchase.

You also want to keep current customers up-to-date on your current products and services, news and events or new products and services. You want to be able to try and upsell or cross sell them with these types of emails. A good way to do this is to send out an informative newsletter email.

Finally, you want to retain your current customers with a retention email campaign. These emails could be anything from a loyalty program to a special promotion to welcome them back.

Another aspect of email marketing is that it allows you to track emails so you can quickly identify what is working and what you need to improve on to reach more consumers. Email marketing services will produce reports to let you view who read the emails, which links were clicked on, which emails were forwarded, how many individuals unsubscribe and which email addresses are bounced back.

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