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Friday, April 12, 2013

Nile Marketing

Role of ON-PAGE in Search Engine Optimization 

It is a technique of Search Engine Optimization that is directly related to the Structure and content of the website and acts as a helping hand in increasing the rank of a website in various search engines like Google, msn, yahoo etc.


Title Tag: - It is very important part of a webpage. It clutches visitor’s attention that is why it is needed to be related to the content. A title tag must be effective so that can be read by the reader. it must be as short as possible but applicatory to the content.Title tag is an area where title of a webpage is written which is used by various search engines to create links at the time of search.

Meta Tag Description: - Meta tags are used to hold the short description of blog and some targeted keywords. Meta tag offers the basic description about the website. The description of Meta tag plays an important role in the ranking of websites.

Meta Tag Keywords: - These are much similar to the Meta tag description. These keywords also help to highlight the importance of a webpage. These are not used much now-a-days but webmasters still prefers to use Meta keywords in blog or website.

Alt tag: - Alt tag plays an important role in increasing the traffic of website or blog. An image is identified by only its alt tag. Search engine uses the alt tag to identify images. If alt tag is properly used then it can help someone to grab enough traffic from image searches.

URL structure: - If relevant keywords are used in URL structure then some priorities could be given by search engine. URL must be related to the content to the website because it improves the ranking of webpage.

Advantages of On Web page Search Engine Optimization: -

1. Search Engine Optimization provides a good ranking to the website in the world of search engines. Search Engine Optimization methods provides faster access to the particular website.

2. Generally users only go through the first page displayed sited on the searches and it is the pages having high ranks featured.

3. On page optimization helps in earning huge amount of revenues. If a website has a lot of visitors then its revenue generated is higher. If a web site is based on pay per click revenue generation system then with the help of SEO optimization tools it can earn profit.

4. Stability of seo page is longer if it is optimized with ON PAGE SEO methods, because these methods are directly related to the robots of search engines that look for the articles that match the criteria.

5. ON PAGE acts as a mirror for your website. With ON PAGE activities anyone can get 70% higher rank of the webpage.

6.ON PAGE optimization service acts as helping hand in maintaining the internal structure of the website. Websites are based on structures and these structures are the blueprint of the website. And when the website is well optimized with ON PAGE techniques, there is surety that desired results are shown, otherwise different results can occur.

7. It has a long life span and need not to be altered time to time.
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